Rose Bouquet

Hello everyone! Hope you’re having a great week so far! It’s TaeEun here today with a one layer floral card! I pulled out two old stamp sets which I love ;The Rose Bouquet and the Timeless Icons Sentiment set, and made a simple watercolored one layer card.

To start, I stamped the Rose Bouquet images on a watercolor paper panel in Caviar hybrid ink, which is watercolor-friendly. I used two images from the set to fill the lower half of the panel. 

I then watercolored the roses and the leaves, painting them in orange and pink while mixing a bit of yellowish brown into the pink flowers. 

After I finished coloring, I stamped the sentiment in Noir to the top of the panel. 

Next, I cut the panel using the largest die from the Double Pierced Rectangle A2 Nested die set and adhered it on a white cardbase. 

To add some fresh feel to the card, I added three Dew Drop Clear Enamel Dots

I like to fill half of my card or the perimeter of it with small floral clusters when I make a one layer card design so that I have some empty space for my sentiment 🙂 ! 

Hope you enjoyed looking my card! Please check out the old floral stamps by The Ton. There are tons of gorgeous floral clear stamps in the shop

Thank you so much for stopping by!

Have a wonderful rest of the week!


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